19 april 2018 Entrepreneurial Experience event | E3


TMC proudly presents the second edition of the Entrepreneurial Experience Event | E3 at the industrial location CHV Noordkade in Veghel.

At TMC we believe that PEOPLE DRIVE TECHNOLOGY. At E3 we want you to see, experience and talk about that yourselves.

After a successful first edition, this year you will get to meet even more inspiring PEOPLE. You are invited to pitch your dreams and share your DRIVE and you can interact with the latest advancements in TECHNOLOGY.

E3, An exciting and unique event that will open your eyes and take you to a new dimension in the world of technology. For high tech engineers and everyone participating in high tech industries.


During the whole event you can visit our unique and innovative Entrepreneurial Lab projects, learn more about what DRIVES our Employeneurs and what is Employeneurship is all about. You even get the opportunity to vote for your favorite project. We also like to talk about your own ideas and plans with us.


  • Welcome by Ronald van Gerwen, CEO

16:00    KEYNOTE

  • Meta is the new Beta (by Diederik Jekel)

Diederik Jekel has the innate ability to clearly explain the world of science. He does so on radio, television, the internet, columns, books and at the Entrepreneurial Experience Event of TMC. In his keynote ‘Meta is the new Beta’ he will elaborate on the broader responsibility that scientists have nowadays towards society.

Diederik Jekel | Scientific Journalist

16:30    TRACKS (1)

  • People | The Employment model of the future. Live debate about employee engagement and the employment model of the future. Hear what Diederik Jekel, Corporate Rebels and TMC think about people engagement and how you can increase this as employer or employee.
  • Technology | Cross-industry innovation. Ramon Vullings, cross-industry expert & idea DJ, talks about what we can we learn from other sectors. Not just to think outside the box, to think outside of your industry.

Ramon Vullings | Cross-industry Innovation Expert

17:30    TRACKS (2)

  • People | Entrepreneurial spirit rewarded: bRemote. Hear about a unique project created by TMC Employeneurs helping to maintain a healthy bee population and so sustaining our eco system. bRemote found a real ‘Blue Ocean’ and a true practical.
  • Technology | Blockchain & Data Science. Our smart industry with your factory connected with the entire value chain is not just a dream anymore. Get to know what this connectivity means for your product or process.





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