TSMC onderscheidt ASMI voor ALD-technologie


ASM International is een van de vijf equipment suppliers van TSMC die een ‘supplier excellence award’ heeft ontvangen van het Taiwanese semiconbedrijf. ASMI verdiende de prijs  voor de prestaties van haar ALD equipment en technologie en de geleverde ondersteuning gedurende het jaar 2016. De award werd op 23 februari uitgereikt door TSMC Co-Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Mark Liu, tijdens het TSMC Supply Chain Management Forum in Taiwan.

During the presentation, TSMC explained three points that contributed to the award to ASM.
1) Cutting-edge tool innovations for advanced nodes.
2) Superb support to achieve quick solutions on consigned tools.
3) Great record of on-time tool delivery.
“We are very honored to receive this prestigious award from TSMC and thank TSMC for this recognition,” said Chuck del Prado, CEO and President of ASM International, “ASM highly values our partnership with TSMC and we are very pleased that our Pulsar ALD and Eagle XP8 PEALD tools have provided strong benefits to TSMC in its production fabs.”
TSMC is the world’s largest semiconductor manufacturing foundry. TSMC hosts the Supply Chain Management forum annually to show appreciation for the support and contributions of its suppliers and to recognize outstanding equipment and materials suppliers.



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